GangGajang GangGajang

Ordinary World


Is it nature or nurture that makes me walk this way?
Is it you or is it me that's saying the things I say?
You say you're looking at me but all I see is you
And I can only wonder at all the things you do
Get it right sometime, get it right sometime
Someday in an ordinary world

We've seen Mother Nature; we've seen her lost and found
Still hanging on her apron strings she spins us all around
So high, so low sometimes so twisted we can't see
I think I'm looking at you but all I see is me
Get it right sometime, get it right sometime
Someday in an ordinary world

Is it rhyme or reason that makes me thinks this way?
We think we're really living, we're just living for today
We don't seem to know too much our heads are underground
And the future keeps on looming regardless of what we've found
We have found solid gold can be extracted from the earth
With gaudy specks of dead stars we count our worth
Someday in an ordinary world
We just live in an ordinary world
We can do all the ordinary things
We will live in an ordinary world
Ordinary world